
Docker Docker is a platform for developing, shipping and running applications by putting them into so called “containers”. Docker seperates the applications from the main infrastructure. Virtual Machine can be thought of as a heavier version of Docker since it utilizes more resources than Docker. In a virtual machine, the entire computer machine is copied digitally. To learn more about what docker is, I highly recommend watching this short Youtube video - Fireship

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Architectural Lighting Design

So, I’ve been looking at a lot of bedroom designs since I’m moving to a new apartment soon, and I’ve learned that lighting plays a crucial role in setting the “mood” of a room. My goal as of right now is to create a cozy, and relaxing space as well as that’s optimal for working/studying in general. Hopefully using smart bulbs that can vary color temperature will help acheive this goal.

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Blackjack a.k.a twenty-one is a basic card game, which is one of the most popular games in Casinos. Understanding Blackjack I personally do not know much about blackjack and just know a bit from online videos and what I saw in Las Vegas. This blog isn’t intended to be a deep dive into mastering the game or guaranteeing blackjack success. Basic Common Game Rules The assumption is that you already know a little bit about poker.

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2D Lottery

Several weeks ago, 2D Lottery was increasingly trending on my Facebook newsfeed. While some people were mourning because of losing, others were being House themselves. And of course, there would also be a couple of people who won the lottery because the chances of winning are really high: 1 in 100. Incidentally, one of my friends in my Facebook account is a House and posted about rules and regulations. Here is the simple rule:

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Math Typesetting

Mathematical notation in a Hugo project can be enabled by using third party JavaScript libraries.

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